Embark on an extraordinary journey into the heart of samurai culture and swordsmanship with Hyoho Taisharyu, renowned as one of the most formidable schools in western Japan. This is your chance to lift the veil of secrecy and discover the secrets of samurai strength and resilience.
Embody the Samurai Spirit:
Private training with a Modern-Day Samurai: Learn the ancient art of Hyoho Taisharyu swordsmanship from a dedicated practitioner who embodies the heart and mind of a samurai.
Zen Temple Dojo: Experience the serene atmosphere of an ancient Buddhist Zen temple, a place where samurai once sought wisdom and honed their skills. This sacred space will serve as your dojo, enhancing your connection to the samurai spirit.
Uncover the Secrets: Delve into the techniques and philosophies that underpin Hyoho Taisharyu, gaining insights into the samurai’s unwavering focus, discipline, and unwavering spirit.
Meet the Grandmaster: Engage in a rare encounter with the Grandmaster of Hyoho Taisharyu, a living embodiment of the samurai tradition. Learn from their wisdom and experience the profound connection to this ancient martial art.
Discover Your Inner Warrior: Through guided practice and meditation, awaken your inner strength and cultivate the mental fortitude that defines a true samurai.